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Artists of the Universe Group Profile Picture
Created July 17, 2015

Artists of the Universe

Have fun with making music! I just made this group for some users to hear the others music, give tips and also constructive critic. You are allowed to spam in this group, BUT NOT TOO MUCH!
Please only post brandnew tracks you are VERY proud of!
I will change the featured tracks every week.

PS: A cool Wub Sound :

1)Open a Wub-Machine Channel and take the Saw Lead.

2)LFO-Speed=max. LFO-Section=the first one
4)Analog Filter Section= Peak Cutoff=20 000 Hz
5)NO Reese
6)Add a reverb, Preset= Lush Piano
7)Distortion= Foldback Gain= max.
8)Add a filter Cutoff= around 13500Hz Resonance=21% (Lowpass)
Now copy the channel and copy the notes one octave higher or deeper! It’s finished!

And a simple lead instrument! :

Choose the simple Channel: Preset 8 On the saw osc: Pitch 0 Filter Cutoff Max FX: Compressor Bass Running Hot Reverb: Cold Cave Distortion: Clip, Gain 5% Fakie

Tutorials like this are welcome in this group! When you’ve got a nice instrument please write it into the comments and I’ll probably add it to the description!


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Checkout my NEW ACC
almost 9 years ago

Hi !
