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Created December 13, 2018

Sound Check

Welcome to Sound Check, a Premium group where you can get feedback on your work by a professional music producer.
Update: Sound Check is currently closed but we’ll resume shortly. Let us know by commenting below how you like to get feedback on your work!
• This group is open for Premium users only. If you’d like to join, please PM KaI and we’ll send you an invite to the group. If you’re currently not on Premium but would like to join, feel free to upgrade here!
• Your tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Don’t be afraid to share your work. We’re all here to help each other grow. Join this group and get ready to take your music further!


DJnr8R Avatar
over 5 years ago

My track is a funky little number , and i just love it :)

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

This week we've got "Through the rabbit hole" by Rikutrinity - a really sweet downtempo track with all components needed for a chill-out hit. Check out my feedback on the production below!

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

(1 of 3) Sound Check Feedback on "Through the rabbit hole" by Rikutrinity:

• I would work on that ”bass-sound” in the intro for two reasons. First it’s off key at times and also for me it doesn’t really blend in sound wise. I would suggest either to just take it away or use a deeper bass sound here instead.

• To get more of an organic build up I’d also wait a couple of bars before introducing the beat.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

(2 of 3) Sound Check Feedback on "Through the rabbit hole" by Rikutrinity:

• 11-43 seconds into the track works great and the vocal sample is just perfect.

• At 46 I’d replace the same bass with a deep sub bass. I would also look into introducing a new element. In this kind of style, a lush pad would be great, like a sub bass in the Wub Machine. Try it!

• The break at 1.20 to ”the drop” works fine with the reverse stuff and samples.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

(3 of 3) Sound Check Feedback on "Through the rabbit hole" by Rikutrinity:

• At 2.00 it all starts over again. Instead of making it repetitive I’d choose to alter the drums and I would also add variations of the melody in order to keep the listener interested. A deep bassline would also add to the richness.

Overall, I really love this style of music and with small changes throughout the song it’s easy to make a long chilled out vibe. A good thing is to listen and analyze other t

ShaBuki Avatar
over 5 years ago

Thnx for the advice I Awake

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

The feedback below goes this week to Pac-O-Sama by ShaBuki

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

(1 of 3) Sound Check Feedback on ShaBuki’s track Pac-O-Sama:

This production has a lot of potential. In my opinion it mostly need some polish.

My feedback on the production:

*The intro works really fine all the way until the beats are kicking in at 0.55.

*I would choose a deeper kick drum and compress the snare even more to get the beat upfront.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

(2 of 3) Sound Check Feedback on ShaBuki’s track Pac-O-Sama:

*Also I miss sub frequencies and I’d choose to work on adding a low bass..

*At 1.51 it feels a bit empty. An arpeggio for instance could do the trick here.

*The build-up from 2.16 could also benefit from altering the ”chuggy” synth with a smoother one, just to get a good dynamic.
