welcome to the cum zone
i will be promoting my favorite songs every two weeks or so, keep this group slightly updated (if it happens to be extremely funny there is a high chance i will also pin it)
Featured Tracks
7 Votes
welcome to the cum zone
i will be promoting my favorite songs every two weeks or so, keep this group slightly updated (if it happens to be extremely funny there is a high chance i will also pin it)
"Listen to my music plz" bruh imagine saying that in a group and quoting it lul
new trak https://soundation.com/t/e53ea
https://soundation.com/user/The-Time-Jumper/track/dusk I worked incredibly hard on this track so I would appreciate it if you checked it out. No loops used.
hey guys did u see what i did with featured arent i just so. goddamn. hilarious
did you say depression, wow, depression, wow i cant even relate, wow, here's the thing. that's not how depression works.
hes commiting death
u shouldve read the post when it came out cuz he just said he got grounded and was crying I don't understand
why does flow need to be saved if he just got grounded
i need to stop changing my plans lol also yes, i do frequent r/okbuddyretard, how could you tell?
my name
we got to go everywhere and spam every single chat saying save flow