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The Ministry Of Soundation Group Profile Picture
Music Genre
Created May 03, 2012

The Ministry Of Soundation

There are very highly skilled artists here, if you would like to be apart of the group, leave a comment on our page the admins will check you out and invite you if you qualify.
To qualify you need to atleast have the ability to produce music on your own with your own made sounds and using the studio to the fullest. If you are not invited into the group we just believe you need more experience in the studio, come back when you think you have improved your skills and we will be sure to check you out.
This GROUP IS NOT FOR JUST ANYONE! Only the talented !
All music genres accepted. please leave feedback and likes when possible throughout the group it is highly appreciated thankyou. This group has its own extended contest group only for the best in the ministry, check it out ! See link for more info – Ministry Of Soundation Contest

Groups Music Contest Check It Out ↑

Rules In The Ministry ☢ No swearing be proffessional
☢ No nasty comments, be honest but be fair
☢ Must respect other members
☢ No trolls allowed Co-Admins DJ Fox

( Co-Admins Will Help Keep This Group Alive And Updated, They Will Be Happy To Help Members With Anything )

Top Groups To Check OuT
Music For Fun
Music Makerz
The Beatmakerz
relax, its just music
Addict of Soundation
Sound of Advancement
Music Is Cool
The Soundation Masters
Soundwave Destructors
Above The Influence

Team Soundation They will help you with any questions or queries you have about soundation.

Summer Music Camp Of Soundation They will help you with anything in the studio such as how to use instruments and effects plus many more learning issues.
Soundcloud Users For anyone that has a Soundcloud account feel free to join this group

Featured tracks will be changed every sunday!


Oozzie Avatar
about 12 years ago

WHOS THAT TROLL???!!! get out of here, ive been making jokes about trolling youre making it look like im saying that.

Mr MäJê§тïc Avatar
Mr MäJê§тïc
about 12 years ago

Ye your right Fox its been a long time since then and this group has changed a lot, we have got a great group going here now and we hav grew very far. I have made some good friends aswel an have learnt alot within these last few months, and you DJ XJM are most definatly 1 of the legends on this site ;)

Oozzie Avatar
about 12 years ago

YAY IM IN ANOTHER GROUP!!! i knew recreating myself was just what i needed. I'll post the songs that got me here and head to the studio to make some more ASAP.

XJM Avatar
about 12 years ago

I'm four months away from saying that I've been using Soundation Studio for TWO YEARS!!! See what happens when you stick with your gut instincts? ;)

Xodus Avatar
about 12 years ago

Check out my latest track called "Snow Fox ft. DJ Fox-Fox Drop(WIP)"

Xodus Avatar
about 12 years ago

...I remember that when I joined tis group, it was called"Soundation Rebels", and Mr MaJesTic was Dj MaJesTic, and he didn't have those symbols in his name...that was a long time ago, when my name was Baked Fox....

Mr MäJê§тïc Avatar
Mr MäJê§тïc
about 12 years ago

Check this groups newely created Facebook page, lets get it alive :) The Ministry Of Soundation Facebook Page

XJM Avatar
about 12 years ago

that's TWO new tracks I pushed out before the end of the weekend in the USA (Posted this at 11:35pm EST on Sunday!). This is more of a track that you can really dance to. Quite hope you like this little acid: Dahnz Nao

Mr MäJê§тïc Avatar
Mr MäJê§тïc
about 12 years ago

Featured tracks changed, enjoy :)

XJM Avatar
about 12 years ago

NEW TRACK WOOHOO!!! What Is This? Hope ya like it :3 no hard feelings if not :<
