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Complete the Track Contest: Progressive House Group Profile Picture
Created March 02, 2018

Complete the Track Contest: Progressive House

Winner announcements!

Wow! 87 firetastic submissions.

Let’s get straight to it PETE, what’s the verdict?

Well I’ll be damned if there’s been a better arsenal of submissions in a single contest. You guys made my job of judging incredibly difficult, the level was insane!

Honorable mentions

Now, before we look at who’s taken the podium, let’s give a hand to some honorable mentions:

Hyphen sorry to break the streak bro, this judging thing ain’t easy and it’s not thanks to you lol. Your production was exceptional but the execution wasn’t there for me. Keep stirring up the great tunes man:)

Missiony damn, what a good remix. You had a great vibe going and the sound design was mint, but the production and execution were missing some zest.

Okie dokie then. Podium time!

The Podium

First place – 4xharley

Congratulations to:

  • A year of Creator
  • Europa
  • Sample pack of choice from the shop
  • Featured track

    It’s an honor to say that in first place we have: 4xharley. When somebody comes along and submits a song like this, I feel guilty that all you get as reward is a 1st place title. Then I remembered that you also get epic prizes. This song was first place in my heart before I even heard any other submissions, and it stayed that way up until now. Production? Astounding. Execution? Who needs to make a pre-drop fill anyway? Vibe? It’s a heckin’ vibe! Thanks for this masterpiece and congratulations on getting your first feature:)


    Second place – Aikue

    Congratulations to:

  • A year of Starter
  • Sample pack of choice from the shop

    GAAAAHHH TRIIIIPLEEEEETS!!!!! Bro, what a banger. What. A. Banger! This has to be the best of the legendary buzz songs yet, with the brilliant execution and exceptional production. The sound design was pretty sick, but those high ends hurt at parts. Overall, amazing job bro! Alrighty then. I think we all saw this coming.


    Third place – Hxppy

    Congratulations to:

  • Sample pack of choice from the shop
    In third place, can we give a fat shout to Hxppy – your description says it all. You knew it would impress me, and you were too right. Excellent execution and a banger vibe made it an obvious podium contender. The production quality could have been slightly cleaner, but this issue is dwarfed by the song’s positives.
    Good job folks, made me and the Soundation crew proud. This is ya boy PETE peacin’ out!


    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    By later I guess you meant "sometime in the future" not anytime soon ;-;

    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    Oh, ok :D

    StarSplitter Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    We should talk later on discord katze

    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    Sure, let's go with that

    HƎX  Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    :3 all things happen for a reason?...

    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    Aw ;-; I mean I'm ngl it wasn't my favorite by any means but at least everything was in key and it was a remix, unlike the many posts that weren't actually remixes of the specified song.

    little hollow  Avatar
    little hollow
    about 5 years ago

    and it strayed very far from the original which might have kept it from being the top. Mine was bad so i'm probably gonna take it down.

    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    And even though you didn't ask me @key lime canid I would like to say that I prefer the second remix, it's more in key and produced better as well as having a better melody, as opposed to your first remix which although creative and having potential was off key and off beat in several parts.

    Katze Avatar
    about 5 years ago

    That's a good question, I think since none of the remixes were featured, they decided not to feature any of the songs at all, because usually they do that right after the contest is over and they have decided who the winner was. Also here is a list of all the actual remixes I decided to make https://docs.google.com/document/d/12BLeTWUE8EwBcvK_jBvQ_Ib5KTtzRNxOT_i4wQGshmg/edit?usp=sharing and this survey because I am actively trying to waste mine and other people's time xD https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd40bEDRfcQSOT_0sUIPnGf0sASS6M8L_AKWvNGYTz-gPqXGg/viewform?usp=sf_link

    Key Lime Canid Avatar
    Key Lime Canid
    about 5 years ago

    Also. If the top contest winner usually gets a feature, if these 3 winners are in no particular order, then which gets a feature, all 3, or none? Does it not apply to the remix contests, or is it no longer applying as a whole?
