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Music Is The Weapon Group Profile Picture
Created August 25, 2012

Music Is The Weapon

Hello! Make yourself at Home!
May 31, 2018 [12:10AM]

Well I suppose it is safe to say that this group is officially dead. It has been for a while now, and by that i mean several years.. and perhaps more to come, that’s why i’m not putting any specific numbers.

There’s a chance I might log in to simply jog my memories on the more simpler days as a child, (saying this due to the fact i’m practically an adult by now and this was created nearly 6, perhaps 7 years ago..) so i guess you could continue posting if you want.

After all, this is a generalized group for all to enjoy.
What the Group is about

This group is (was) meant to help members from this community to upload and share their original music piece. They could receive whatever help needed to improve and succeed or simply enjoy and appreciate everyone else’s creations.

§ No Spamming
§ Be Organized
§ Respect Others
§ Be careful with your own Promotions

It shouldn’t be that hard to follow.
Featured tracks will be changed whenever I remember to change them.


Pooch Avatar
almost 10 years ago

while you listen to this track; imagine that you're floating in outer space with the stars, and there is nothing but beautiful silence and peace. then imagine that the stars can communicate with you as you can also speak to them; and what would they say? http://soundation.com/user/poochypooch/track/sleeping-stars

JokerTillDeath Avatar
almost 10 years ago

look up and join "the bat crew"

Sean Foxx Avatar
Sean Foxx
about 10 years ago

Hey Cyclosa, I got a new Progressive House track I spent a really long time on. It's my Summer Dance Contest entry. Could you please take a look and leave a like? http://soundation.com/user/seanfoxx/track/something-else

xDead_Wukongx Avatar
about 10 years ago

Featured tracks changed 4/17/2014

xDead_Wukongx Avatar
about 10 years ago

There, Featured tracks updated

Hologram Girl Avatar
Hologram Girl
over 10 years ago

http://soundation.com/user/vengeful-doughnuts/track/nurse-s-office See if you can survive...Nurse Joy's Office. Enter if you dare. >:]

M-possible Avatar
over 10 years ago

NEW TRAP TRACK check it out here http://soundation.com/user/MusicExtreme/track/raining-fireballs
