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Created December 13, 2018

Sound Check

Welcome to Sound Check, a Premium group where you can get feedback on your work by a professional music producer.
Update: Sound Check is currently closed but we’ll resume shortly. Let us know by commenting below how you like to get feedback on your work!
• This group is open for Premium users only. If you’d like to join, please PM KaI and we’ll send you an invite to the group. If you’re currently not on Premium but would like to join, feel free to upgrade here!
• Your tracks have to be made using Soundation.
• Please follow our Community Guidelines. Failure to do so will result in a ban.
Don’t be afraid to share your work. We’re all here to help each other grow. Join this group and get ready to take your music further!


I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

This week's review goes to "Please me Louise" - Very original rock sounds by DJnr8R. Here's what you can do to expand your idea further and build a fully-finished track based on this creative piece of work.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(1/4) Feedback on "Please me Louise"

• The intro is great. It catches my attention straight away and makes me anticipate what to follow. The first seconds feel almost like a live garage band starting up their set!

• Would be great to introduce a new theme or a verse at At 0.18 but then keep on with the intro.

• From 0.26 to 0.50 should be half as long and at 0.51 I’d work on a build-up before moving on to the next segment.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(2/4) Feedback on "Please me Louise"

• A new sound is introduced at 1.06, but it’s really quiet. I'd turn this into a lead instead of keeping the same pattern throughout a track.

• The mixing is fine but try lowering the cymbals. Put on an EQ, cut the higher frequencies and take the volume down.

• For a better mix, try putting on a compressor on the lead channel and cut the lower frequencies (like bass, kick drums and low drones) on all channels with an EQ to clear headroom.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(3/4) Feedback on "Please me Louise"

• At 1.30 I’d take a pause from the theme, strip down all beats and percussion to create a break. At 1.38 it shifts nicely to something new and very personal, which is great and unique! I’d take down the drums though. Try using an SPC here.

• At 2.26 I would look into spacing things out. Maybe upload a GM-2 Synth Pad and experiment with a lot of effects. I'd also add a Fakie for a sidechain effect.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(4/4) Feedback on "Please me Louise"

• All in all I could hear a lot of expression and true creativity in this track. However to really keep listeners on their toes, you should work on a song structure. Just study song arrangement from your favorite songs, add your own personal style and keep producing!

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

Anytime @Vicious V53!

Vicious V53  Avatar
Vicious V53
almost 5 years ago


I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

This week's review goes to "Chicago" by Vicious V53 - A 4-minute ride of a classic house groove. Small tweaks and this could be a DJ's favorite. Let's see how you can achieve that.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(1/4) Feedback on "Chicago" by Vicious V53:

• I like the intro, but don't stop the kick drums at 0.31. Leaving the kick going longer especially in the intro makes it easy for DJs to blend tracks together.

• The same goes at 1.02. Keep the kick going.

• The pad at 1.20 is perfect. Take the volume down a bit and cut the lower frequencies with an EQ to balance the mix.

I Awake Avatar
I Awake
Soundation Crew
almost 5 years ago

(2/4) Feedback on "Chicago" by Vicious V53:

• At 1.35, try adding a vocal sample, a horn or a trumpet stab to give listeners a heads up about the next part.

• Try introducing a heavier sidechained pad at 2.20 already at 1.42 and then let the track continues without any breaks.

• At 2.20 I think you can work on a bass line with a funky twist here just to add a variety. Check the Wub Machine for cool sounds!
