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Created March 11, 2012

The Revolution

The world is overun by the most horrendous creature of them all- the ‘average’ adult. These terrible creatures shun the welcoming aura of real music and culture and implant grey and bore into their children.
But the world is also overun by something else, something better- kids. We kids, teenagers, etc. put colour into this shabby world and create a world of music and variety. And they all work together in a special group.
We, are the Revolution.


 timmysplit Avatar
over 11 years ago

ok guys i am dropping my SKRILLEX REMIXXX it is a bit long but it is worth the listen it sounds like it will be very repetative but it dose change up enjoy.....http://soundation.com/user/timmysplit/track/skrillex-scary-monsters-remixxx

 timmysplit Avatar
over 11 years ago

hey guys check out my two new tracks called excuse me sir can u SLOW it down,and THE CHANGE UP.....................THANKS

 timmysplit Avatar
over 11 years ago

Hey guys i just posted a new track please check it out it came out alright let me know what you think OH AND I RECOMEND GOOD SPEAKERS OR HEADPHONES CAUSE IT HITS HARD........THIS IS HOW U DUBSTEP-timmysplit

平和の島 Avatar
about 12 years ago

I am not a child. I am an adult and, I blow all of these ignorant children straight out of the water, when it comes to my beats. However, I agree with the horrendous pop culture and mainstream affect on society. So the revolution actually starts with young adults such as myself.

NinjaOrchid Avatar
over 12 years ago

ok, something STUPID just happened to my original piece of orchid because the drop piece is different from the unfinished version, and now it sounds unlistenable..

Manny Avatar
over 12 years ago

it took me atleast a whole month to make 3 beats one of which im still working on mostly because i cant make up my mind about what sound i want to use

NinjaOrchid Avatar
over 12 years ago

The song is finally done and over with. Took me only 12 hours.....-_- that's so LONG.

NinjaOrchid Avatar
over 12 years ago

anybody can join. just as long you have music in your soul and you put colour into this grey and adult-boring world

lawrence_prince Avatar
over 12 years ago

can i join plz? :)
