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Top Track's Group Group Profile Picture
Created March 08, 2012

Top Track's Group

Loving your tracks guys! Keep up the amazing work! Also please check out my new electro track! http://soundation.com/user/liamboi486/track/dj-l-j-free-yourself-electro


Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
over 12 years ago

What up? I've put a cover of 'One' up, hope you peeps can check it out! Thnx! :)

DJ Oscdawg Avatar
DJ Oscdawg
over 12 years ago

Great group liamboy

liamboi486 Avatar
over 12 years ago

Glad the groups been going well! Glad you guys like it, I shall put ANOTHER One of my tracks up on this group if you guys really want me to.

Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
over 12 years ago

I'll listen to your stuff,....if you listen to my stuff. I've got some pretty good comments...so....check em out and I'll check yours out.

Mr. Zlombeats Avatar
Mr. Zlombeats
over 12 years ago

i never said i was good. i just want people to listen to mah shutffz haha

Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
over 12 years ago

Mr zlombeats you're such a boaster!....nah just kidding! XD

Mr. Zlombeats Avatar
Mr. Zlombeats
over 12 years ago

you should feature some tracks liam! or just feature mine haha

Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
over 12 years ago

Thnx for creating this group liamboi! I've put up my tracks.

snapthedevilsheadoff18 Avatar
over 12 years ago

this is an good day
