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weirdness Group Profile Picture
Created March 18, 2015



Olaf Avatar
over 9 years ago

*slightly turns my head to you* you know if you follow me your going to be an accomplice to me... their going to do the same thing to you if you join me.

lizzy Avatar
over 9 years ago

*my feelings are hurt* NO! I wanna help you and you cant tell if I trust you or not because if I didn't trust you I would've killed you already!

Olaf Avatar
over 9 years ago

*looks at you and stands up and walks away* leave me alone... if you want to live...

lizzy Avatar
over 9 years ago

*grabs the pistol from your pocket about to shoot you but I don't I let you go and I walk away slowly* If you wanna hurt me then do it but I like you and I kinda trust you

Olaf Avatar
over 9 years ago

*looks at you and my eyes glow red*

lizzy Avatar
over 9 years ago

*gets free and tackles you putting the knife against your throat*

Olaf Avatar
over 9 years ago

no you don't... they added some thing to my brain... I know whether or not you telling the truth or lying...

lizzy Avatar
over 9 years ago

*has a knife behind my back cutting the rope* look I trust you ok!

Olaf Avatar
over 9 years ago

I just don't trust people... no one believes me... and even if you did and bring me there who would believe me... I told them before... they just laughed in my face... I escaped... but not soon enough before they did THIS *raises up my shirt to show that from my neck down im a cyborg* to me...

lizzy Avatar
over 9 years ago

im different then other people *tries to get loose again*
