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blzr. Avatar
over 8 years ago

Bro I'll be prayin' for ur struggles in life man!! Dang, I get so caught up in my life and I don't take the time to notice other people's life issues!! I'm sorry man but the only advice I can give u is to pray!! Hope it helps!

BaconBurger Avatar
over 8 years ago

Shit man, I had no idea all this was going on. I know you'll get through this, I'll keep my fingers crossed for your brother. All of us here in the community will support you.

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

until when other people think funny, hack other users?......#AHS

A busload of kids Avatar
A busload of kids
over 8 years ago

YAS!!! but- if I were that hacker... You'd be next. Because of that.

Checkout my NEW ACC Avatar
Checkout my NEW ACC
over 8 years ago

epic... EPIC!... EEPPIICC!!!!!!!!!!!!!

g Avatar
over 8 years ago

you're a good guy saul, i know you'll get through all of this ;)

over 8 years ago

Boricua yea I heard. That's still extremely bogus. I don't think people understand how horrible what he did was. That's YEARS of hard work bro and also putting extra work on MYSELF to get Chris situated with my label with all that deleted. Bro i'm not rich and I still work FULL TIME ... I DONT NEED any extra weight on my shoulders with everything going on that's why i'm still pissed

ONIX (D.E.A.D.E.N.D.) Avatar
over 8 years ago

Guys, the hacker was chris's brother the whole time! XD

dxtr! Avatar
over 8 years ago

I made a parody of the bed intruder song called the account intruder...

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
over 8 years ago

Bruh.... I died, if only I can repost this on my account for everyone to see!
