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Sky Avatar
over 4 years ago

ayyy joey trap

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

those lyrics... su- BOOMDALACACA

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

ha, begging again

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

oh yes i will, you forgot who ur with huh

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

do i have to post the texts of you begging to me like the little bottom you are??

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

we are not talking abt this lmao

Satan Avatar
over 4 years ago

Okay, wait, I know what to do..... Who else has a kinky as fuck SO, and all your high score kinks are they're low kinks, and all your kink scores are the subs to their scores, and they're using that to their advantage?

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

well im going to do this elsewhere and u cat stop me you bottom

E̷̠̩̽N̷̹̜͆Z̴̬̬̀͝Ý̶̺M̵̩̯̔Ë̸̙̦ Avatar

ok lets do this somewhere else lmao

Satan Avatar
over 4 years ago

Ummm, am I in a stressful situation... No no I am not, am I gonna keep messing with my dom..... yes yes I am
