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AMT Avatar
over 6 years ago

O.O This is Superb! the Sound design is p e r f e c t. This is damn impressive.

. Avatar
over 6 years ago

g l u c o s e r e c t a n g u l a r p r i s m e d

SLOCM3Z Avatar
over 6 years ago

@legion oooh. I gotcha now :p Thanks very much y'all! I'm glad you enjoy :D

ChordsBoy Avatar
over 6 years ago

:O This is incredible!! I'mma recommend this work of art now :D

Geo Avatar
over 6 years ago

I agree with roxi, this is so unique but just so well put together that it's amazing.

[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
over 6 years ago

ok so firstly d^mn son this is insane. secondly i've never heard anything like this.. its so unique and cool that there's really no other thing like this i've ever heard so its hard to give feedback. third, this was soundation? d^^^^^^^mn. i gotta give this one to you man. as i was posting this comment i got to the dubstep part like holy shet bro this is like .-. im just .-----. okay im going now love you baiiiiiiiiii .vvvvv.

Caffeinayt Avatar
over 6 years ago

No, I didn’t mean the bass, I meant the thing that comes in at :54. I think it has too much delay, which makes it hard to hear the actual melody. I’m saying you should’ve turned the wet knob down on the delay. Lol I’m not speaking Spanish am I?

DUTCH Avatar
over 6 years ago


SLOCM3Z Avatar
over 6 years ago

@Trillan this is 100% Soundation :) @Legion "unintelligible"? I don't know what you mean lol I used the delay on the lead bass just cuz I thought it was interesting. And that main bass delay actually is the lead/melody throughout the whole song so that's why it's so loud. thanks though. glad you like it!

Caffeinayt Avatar
over 6 years ago

i really like it, my criticism is that the delay on the lead kinda overrides the actual melody and makes it sort of "unintelligible" if you know what i mean, and i also think the lead is kinda drowned out. but this is really amazing, i love the atmosphere and the drums
