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Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals Avatar
Cyprasonic (a.k.a) Doc Regals
over 10 years ago

Great work Tom! Very chill mix. I prefer more upbeat stuff usually, but this is pretty phenomenal for what it is. No complaints on my end man.... good work!

Foresight Avatar
over 10 years ago

Congrats on trending dude!

over 10 years ago

Definitely one of your best tracks tom! I loved it. Just felt like the mixing could have been improved on some parts to really help it not sound a little too smooth if you know what i mean.

Pegasus Avatar
over 10 years ago

this is greatttt! :)

PZ Avatar
over 10 years ago

So cute :) I love it!

Foresight Avatar
over 10 years ago

Somehow I missed this! This is so nice dude. I really like how it's not the same 4 chords over and over, you made it more of an 8 bar progression. I think the drop was fine, just since the song is a more chilled version of progressive house. Great work. Dropped you a like :D

Fazer Avatar
over 10 years ago

Really good! I agree with Sean Foxx. The drops just need more powpow

Sean Foxx Avatar
Sean Foxx
over 10 years ago

I really like the song. It has a really happy vibe to it. The drop needs some more energy though. Try adding in a few more layers. The mixing could also use a little bit of work but that's not a big deal. Good job. :)

false blonde Avatar
false blonde
over 10 years ago

I would also like this .sng
