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CD_AIR Avatar
almost 4 years ago

So do you know who reported you?

👉ʀᴇʟᴀX ʙᴇᴀᴛᴢ👈 Avatar

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almost 4 years ago

I'm already on it, And I suppose I have to realize its a 12 year old, But its still highly obnoxious that they won't leave me alone.

Carefree Avatar
almost 4 years ago

You're taking all of this too seriously. Also discord is a great platform, you should try it.

almost 4 years ago

Ngl i am more pissed at whoever is handling this than who ever did it, but they should not be on social media if they keep getting triggered at something I have said which was obviously a fucking joke, and I see these edgy jokes all the time on the Internet. My point is I am definitely sure that posting that "Trump" post wasn't against any guidelines on "Abuse". I will never get my head around to what is accepted however maybe the simple answer is "Fuck all" as it seems, and anyway this seems more like a 12 year old dating site now after all, than a music platform from what I have seen.

almost 4 years ago

Idk sorry but it pisses me off because I am tired of these kids on here reporting accounts for no reason and whoever runs this site doesn't ever remove this system for a simply block function. You're life even seems more sadder than mine. Ever thought maybe the problem lies within yourself than others? Of course not. You're deluded.

almost 4 years ago

And you may be like well..Why you here then if its a site of 14 year olds? Well as i just fucking said..to collect sounds from the fucking premium library, God help me that if I make any controversial joke, someone instantly shit their pants over it. I could ask why the fuck are you're parents letting you go on the internet, If you can't take a Joke? You literally give me a headache, Do you really think doing that would achieve anything to you?

almost 4 years ago

What abuse? What the fuck is this supposed to mean anyway? a random oversensitive mong who is most likely under the age of 14 simply just seemed to have came and found my trump meme on this account I don't fucking use at all that I have no ownership over and was simply taking samples from the premium library and did it without explaining how this is against any guidelines. I do have permission to use it, and don't give me any shit, I know I haven't abused anyone.

almost 4 years ago

I feel I could do a way better job as moderator quite honestly lmao. Every pragmatic suggestion it seems is just thrown out the fucking window and neglected. What has changed? I see no commitment. If nobody is going to be the slightest more empathetic at anything I have said, they are truly a lost cause. It's absolutely contemptible, and almost nobody now looks in their reflection, Its always coming from such a egotistical and neurotic viewpoint. Reporting someone is for insensitive cowards.

almost 4 years ago

Do you know who the hell is running this site? And why are they relying on fucking discord for communication? Its a bit weird isn't it tbh. If you have a site you should be able to communicate on the website not on a different social media platform, And god knows why there is simply not a fucking block function instead of this retarded banner. Because, I mean for a start, I've not abused anyone. It's not like I'm Harvey Weinstein. Its utterly pathetic how any child can just do this, and nobody has any fucking control over anything, The HTML probably hasn't been updated for 10 years either.
