I mean look at Colbreakz. He great but he uses pretty much the same progression for all his music. Like I said, I'm going to improve my music bit by bit.
when I try making original progressions I just screw around with a keyboard and a little bit of music theory and after like 10 minutes I find something that's kinda good and the more I work on it the better it sounds
Eden Pigeon ♪
this is amazing! @ChromeClouds, I use mine at home lol
wherever my laptop is XD
i use soundation at home
Voxel - (info in bio)
using this at school
Voxel - (info in bio)
Thanks! ⎝◕ヮ◕⎠
This is great! Amazing job, @QWAZY! :D
Voxel - (info in bio)
Voxel - (info in bio)
I mean look at Colbreakz. He great but he uses pretty much the same progression for all his music. Like I said, I'm going to improve my music bit by bit.
when I try making original progressions I just screw around with a keyboard and a little bit of music theory and after like 10 minutes I find something that's kinda good and the more I work on it the better it sounds
[this project has concluded]
@XLamborghiniThug I'm not even gonna report that for spam, because that thumbs up is beautiful