One thing that really gets me in songs like this is when the producer deviates sporadically from the main progression without going on a tangent, musically-wise, and all those random badabadabadabadaBUMS and piano riffs really set this apart, because they add interest and unexpected twists without going a different direction. Top quality, I'm gonna recommend it too.
Voxel - (info in bio)
@OceanTide you seem to have a lot of knowledge of music theory. Good work! :)
One thing that really gets me in songs like this is when the producer deviates sporadically from the main progression without going on a tangent, musically-wise, and all those random badabadabadabadaBUMS and piano riffs really set this apart, because they add interest and unexpected twists without going a different direction. Top quality, I'm gonna recommend it too.
Voxel - (info in bio)
YOY! Thx.
Voxel - (info in bio)
I never thought i would get trendings but here i am! A feature is in sight, maybe!
Beautiful! Just beautiful!
Voxel - (info in bio)
@BLACK because it is! a few changes were made, less clipping, less distortion, more bass. also i never have that much lag anymore!
Why does the bass sound like the one I gave you? Also, if you ever have problems with lag, you can mute channels and listen to the others smoothly.
Voxel - (info in bio)
ill try that out :)