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#Collab Group Profile Picture
Created December 28, 2018


Share your collaborations for a chance to get featured!

Soundation’s Collab Live lets you make music in the same project with anyone in real-time. Find out more about Collab Live here.

Keep dropping tracks. We look forward to hearing your music!


rysiekg Avatar
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

@commentspaepanion - And my answer was: "But you understand subtle difference between harsh words and judgement and insults? This is as I see it."

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 5 years ago

as caffeinayt said, that translates to "talking about anything general violates the rules"

rysiekg Avatar
Soundation Crew
over 5 years ago

Once again:any Content that is deemed to be offensive, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, racist, sexually explicit, ethnically or culturally offensive, indecent, that promotes violence, terrorism, or illegal acts, incites hatred on grounds of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation, or is otherwise objectionable, whereas such a decision will be made at Soundation’s reasonable discretion;:

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 5 years ago

oscar is not deemed a broken individual because he never stands up for himself like myself. instead, he is deemed a broken individual because he stands up for himself too often and when he stands up for himself; it, 100% of the occurrences in which he stands up for himself, is never capable of holding any weight on anyone or anything. jay seems to be the one here who can use the most appropriately explicit language to describe and discriminate what an individual of pure "embassy" oscar truly is and always has been

DUTCH Avatar
over 5 years ago

Oscar you violated soundations guidelines which got you banned. This also means no refund.

Vacant Avatar
over 5 years ago

@keylime pie I agree w/ overdoze. Oscar has been at this for years now, he aint gonna change bc some dude provided a decent argument

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

Well I could insist I did nothing wrong the time I was banned on twitch, and I was not given any reason as to why either. And if anything, your persistence may be causing more trouble than it is worth. It could potentially cause this situation to play out where one would just resort to punishing everyone involved instead of resolution or justice. In an extreme case, one may become fed up enough of this dispute to ban everyone involved, or kill the site completely (again extreme case). And yet you've been so pompous in proclaiming your responsibility of "saving" the site.

overdoze Avatar
over 5 years ago

oscar is just straight up fucked, we cant help a lost cause.

Key Lime Canid Avatar
Key Lime Canid
over 5 years ago

It is also unprofessional behavior on your end. And if it were truly that people were being banned for NO reason, I would expect more spontaneous bans to be happening. This isn't something that just happened to be random, it has been initiated/provoked by some means.

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 5 years ago

oscar is the only individual who believes oscar has not committed to anything immoral
