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k̷y̷t̷e̷x̷m̷u̷s̷i̷c̷ Avatar

No, actually, I'd just realized that they sound similar. @ Dutchy

. Avatar
over 7 years ago

Melody and chord progression are decent, but the lack of any pads, or any background base at all make it sound quite flat and boring. The drums however were done well, I assume this is because you have more experience with them.

DUTCH Avatar
over 7 years ago

Inspired by Marshmello - Alone?

Dead Dave Avatar
Dead Dave
over 7 years ago

never normalize, also can I remix?

k̷y̷t̷e̷x̷m̷u̷s̷i̷c̷ Avatar

thank you. i don't know what's up with the song, it's probably a studio glitch

Dead Dave Avatar
Dead Dave
over 7 years ago

<33 Needs much better mastering but fantastic melodies!
