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7 221 5
00:00 / 00:55


Smerkalot Avatar
over 8 years ago

Hi There! I graded this song because it is so well done. The other you wrote down for me to check has some issues with alignment and perhaps some mismatched BPM. The only thing was that the song was 5 seconds short of the minimum. Otherwise, very well done! Keep working on that other song, it has some potential. :)

FluffyCats Avatar
over 8 years ago

I like the way it stats with the quiet beat and then it gets lauder and the clapping fits well.

themarauders13 Avatar
over 8 years ago

I really liked the song and especially the ending! Just be sure to add a couple seconds to make it 60 seconds, otherwise sounds good!

Smerkalot Avatar
over 8 years ago

However, I did notice your song is 55 seconds. Can you add just a little more to make it a full minute (60 seconds)?

Smerkalot Avatar
over 8 years ago

Wonderful job! I don't have any suggestions, I really enjoyed the song as it is. If you would like, perhaps add another melodic clip in the middle. Otherwise, no changes needed!
