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Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 2 years ago

Oh yeah, there's no credit given to me for this one, by the way, despite me being the ONLY person. THE ONLY PERSON to EVER affirm C418's existence in this place. Why? I forget, but I sure remember not requesting not being given it.... consciously, at least, which speaking of, my conscious decisions did not become conscious until it was too late to make decisions that should've been conscious conscious. SOOOO, even if I DID deny credit for any form of giving an idea here, it sure wasn't a responsible denial.

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
almost 3 years ago

and anyone with over a half-full a brain cell station being convinced by their attitude

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
almost 3 years ago

lol imagine anyone saying they like minecraft after pewdiepie made minecraft obvious as something that still exists as a relatively good popular game not being someone who previously bullied other people simply for liking it who now pretend to like it and mask their fake attitude with the idea of nostalgia and them liking it previously even though they were the same people experiencing that minecraft-related product to actually show they hate it

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 4 years ago

being a c418 fanatic at the time of this, i now know what song this represents: 481772, from 148. that particular album of his has a song with an introduction and hard drum kit like this

HartbreaK Avatar
almost 6 years ago

brilliant work with the 707 drums.

Chordial Avatar
almost 6 years ago


a!m Avatar
almost 6 years ago


Chordial Avatar
about 6 years ago

THANKS <3 and THANKS <3 @Noah @Diansiji

Diansiji Avatar
about 6 years ago

Nice stuff

Noah Avatar
about 6 years ago

god tier my dude
