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00:00 / 02:21


Oozzie Avatar
over 11 years ago

this pretty sick. i can so get into this.

Audial Avatar
over 11 years ago

cool work man, it would have been nice to have more of a climax, but its cool! check my stuff if you find the time

Sen-Debowski Avatar
over 11 years ago

Yours is awesome too man, I loved the violin sample, played some midi strings and the kicks, the base line and some of the percussion too were all MIDI played, my laptop is not a high spec one so it gave me too much trouble using the keys to record MIDI, playback always dragged and lagged behind, I think I had about 15 tracks in all...

vadymmykh Avatar
over 11 years ago

So short! =) But it is good! You got my vote. You know what? I used the same violin sample, want to check it out? http://soundation.com/user/vadymmykh/track/dubdation It gonna like you =)
