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00:00 / 01:06


Smerkalot Avatar
over 8 years ago

I graded this song and it really is a very good first electronic composition. Nice work! I hope you continue composing just for fun. :)

themarauders13 Avatar
over 8 years ago

I really liked the song and agree with Mrs. Merk on everything she said, sounds really cool! The one thing I would change would be the second to last clip that fades out in the end doesn't sound like it has faded out completely but that's up to you if you want to change it.

_.noodles._ Avatar
over 8 years ago

You should add the beat in a little earlier. Some of the beats didn't go together and it sounded bad, and the beats didn't seem like they went together at all. Try listening to the song again and see what needs to come out and what needs to stay in. If you add other parts hat sound great with the song, add those in. Overall, the song was okay sounding.

Smerkalot Avatar
over 8 years ago

I like how you transitioned a new clip in about 1/2 a minute in, fading the volume out of your original clip. This almost sounds like two songs conflicting, but you managed to keep it cohesive. I have no major suggestions. Very nice start! Be careful if you edit too much further.
