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GøldenBeats  Avatar
over 8 years ago


Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

IF YOU MAKE MUSIC FOR FUN concern yourself with skills "ONLY IF YOU WANT" :D I learned to respect everybody who make any music because i notice one thing called "MUSIC FOR FUN" #100

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

@GoldenBeats I really have no interest in furthering as much in other genres, but i can make then in a trap beat(perc), I make music for fun so so I'm part of the base of the comunnity pyramid, like all of you, i know, 90% of this community are people that make music for fun, like me.

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

I have no intention of compete with nobody, i have heard music but trap is my preference, I want to see people makin trap, or at least, makin some melodies. I have some tutorials to share with everybody who want make trap, because I want to listen trap :D

Ooz!e454 (Using the studio limitedly) Avatar

this takes time, throw so many notes to make a melody, is an entertainment for me. Hey se7in, trap is a thing to me. :D I have a simple tip, throw some hi-hat rolls (a bit longer) in the studio, hi hats has been music for my ears XD. If i like trap, certainly I will be aware of who does, no restriction about skills, as some here do :)

GøldenBeats  Avatar
over 8 years ago

It doesn't matter if someones better.You can get better that them.Hey,Lebron is good at ball but just because he's better than me doesn't mean I can't get better than him.

GøldenBeats  Avatar
over 8 years ago

I didn't say just faith.I said you gotta work to.

Loe Avatar
over 8 years ago

faith will not help you beat Oozie he is just a better trap maker period. its about skill, and knowledge with the genre, and Oozie has both things, not that you dont SE7IN, im just saying Oozie is more experienced with the genre so yea.

GøldenBeats  Avatar
over 8 years ago

You gotta work to XD

GøldenBeats  Avatar
over 8 years ago

1st of all,I never said challenge Oozie to nothing.2nd I'm not saying he's bad at trap.I'm just saying he does dubstep better.And 3rd faith can get you anywhere.If you have faith you can make a song better that could help.Hey,you may have faith that you run across somebody that tells you more about the studio and helps you.So faith can be all around.
