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00:00 / 03:23


Heywhatchadoing? Avatar
over 12 years ago

I'm also a judge for the contest! Creativity-3.5 out of 5 The phaser on the Virtual Instruments give a very funky feel, but it is repetitive. Originality - 5 out of 5...the drums sounds very dubstep-ish for some reason and it just sounds like pure inspiration. Skill Level- 4.5 out of 5.. the techniques you use in this track are pretty good, volume automation and harmonies, all pretty skilled tricks. :D

Michael Moore Avatar
Michael Moore
over 12 years ago

Thank you. I try to make the best songs I can, I understand it is repetitive, and I am in the process of creating a song in the studio which I believe will be my best so far.

Big Roshi Avatar
Big Roshi
over 12 years ago

Hey! I'm one of the judges for DJXJM's contest! I'm here to score you on your different attributes within the song. Creativity - 3/5 (I think the beat is slightly repetitive, but I do like the change in sounds throughout) Originality - 5/5 (I have never heard this song before and it sounds like this truely was entirely based of your experiences in the studio ) Skill Level - 4/5 (I think the skill level in this track is quite superb, the change in beat and correspondance is great! Unforunately though some of the back sounds don't really match the song itself)
