No. Surprisingly F mixolydian starts on F. the full mode is tonic F, f maj 2nd G, f maj 3rd A, f per. 4th Bb, f perf 5th C, f maj 6th D, f min 7th Eb, and then f perf. 8th F.
but if it's the mixolydian mode of F, it would start on C, not Bb, right? the modes go ionian (F), dorian (G), phrygian (A), then lydian (Bb), which would make mixolydian C. idk lol you probs no more than I do. also i was mistaken, the first chord is Bb major 7th +9.
Dwight Greenwood (Gage's Backup)
ah i see.
Dwight Greenwood (Gage's Backup)
No. Surprisingly F mixolydian starts on F. the full mode is tonic F, f maj 2nd G, f maj 3rd A, f per. 4th Bb, f perf 5th C, f maj 6th D, f min 7th Eb, and then f perf. 8th F.
but if it's the mixolydian mode of F, it would start on C, not Bb, right? the modes go ionian (F), dorian (G), phrygian (A), then lydian (Bb), which would make mixolydian C. idk lol you probs no more than I do. also i was mistaken, the first chord is Bb major 7th +9.
Dwight Greenwood (Gage's Backup)
though the order would be F G A Bb. All i did was play the mode in reverse and build chords on them.
Dwight Greenwood (Gage's Backup)
nope. I'm 100% sure its mixolydian. The root notes are as follows: Bb A G F. The first four of the mode.
waitaminute isn't this just lydian? the F maj 7 +9 chord at the beginning sure sounds like it.