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focus Avatar
almost 2 years ago


𝕄𝕌𝕊𝕀ℂ 𝓑𝓨𝓣𝓔 ♪  Avatar


little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 2 years ago

Thank you @JR and @Chillin, those were the vibes I was going for :)

JR Avatar
almost 2 years ago

this do be sounding really good like its from or could get into a disney or adventure movie with the plot of a man and his dog getting lost and them trying there way to get back to civilisation.

丨匚乇 匚ㄖㄥᗪ 乃乇卂ㄒ丂🥶 Avatar

jeez, its like an adventure movie, for the ears.

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
almost 2 years ago

I'm no genius but thank you :)

Joplinese >:) Avatar
Joplinese >:)
about 2 years ago

how does this genious make a movie score with a free GM-2 :O

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
about 2 years ago


sui Avatar
about 2 years ago

@1take4it it does sound like a movie soundtrack

little hollow  Avatar
little hollow
about 2 years ago

