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Cuteberry21 Avatar
almost 8 years ago

that was really good I think you could have done it for a little longer but overall this might be the best so far

mart8n Avatar
almost 8 years ago

I really like it it has all the right notes. The pitch is too high but it is the right tempo.

Drew Avatar
almost 8 years ago

I like how it is calming but i wish there was an other instrument involved but overall i like it.

tiramusui Avatar
almost 8 years ago

Oh my gosh this one might be the best one i've heard so far. The pitch is a bit too high but that's the only flaw. You can imagine the rest of the song because the rhythm is very clean and it's not rough.

nikecries Avatar
almost 8 years ago

The sound is great and the rhythm too but If the pitch was a little lower I think it would make the sound a little much better but overall its good.

Stich123 Avatar
almost 8 years ago

i like the sound of the instrument and the rhythm in the song

Brian Ro Avatar
Brian Ro
almost 8 years ago

- I like the rhythm -It has too much of a pitch -I like the beat

Jaiden1  Avatar
almost 8 years ago

this is good I just think that it is to high of a pitch
