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Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 2 years ago

Oh, by the way, the whole "Floating Birds" thing was supposed to be an EP concept... Guess that didn't happen to end up staying because you bastards can't take me being different to your narrow perspective of music.

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 2 years ago

i may have made those tracks when i was 11 to... 14 or something but they still sound far better than other people's original ideas because they are unconventional and actually retain interest

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 2 years ago

and if i did just keep them up like i should've then i would've actually had some form of marker and an actual old thing to be remembered by... and i would've actually maintained any form of confidence, but oh well, rest in hell those tracks of which were criticised for being different... for... no actual reason. different =/= bad and it never has, why does a band like depeche mode still have followers in the millions if no one liked different?

Comment Spae Avatar
Comment Spae
over 2 years ago

okay if i have one regret it's totally erasing my tracks out of submission to criticism, because i know that was a horrible idea, what i created before actually sounds far conceptually interesting than i thought it was. i mean, i have been using this website since 2015, the only thing that i should've done was absolutely not that

mondaze. Avatar
over 6 years ago


right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

@Frarly Gog damn I just did

Smithy Avatar
over 7 years ago

Listen with headphones!

right nit Avatar
right nit
over 7 years ago

Sounds a lot emptier than intended I guess. (I mastered this very badly.)
