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00:00 / 02:07


Dj Flash Wolf Avatar
Dj Flash Wolf
about 4 years ago

the bpm is not right but it is cool

NightCity Avatar
over 10 years ago

Very good! I would change the piano and improve ...

Corpse Avatar
over 10 years ago

Keep up the good song Isabel. But join my group.'The sound of best music.'

平和の島 Avatar
over 10 years ago

You are welcome, Isabel. I look forward to listening to more of your music. Maybe, something original and innovative in style and structure. :)

Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)
over 10 years ago

well thanks and i know about the first part , i didnt realize until i published the song but thankyou x

平和の島 Avatar
over 10 years ago

The beginning started out a little rough, in terms of the keys. However, just past the snare drum followed the best remix I have I heard of this particular song, in general. I mean alot of remix and fail, but you made that last half of your song a potential masterpiece for the dance floor. Good luck and keep up doing great! I usually hate Disney songs, but I like your remix. ;)

KNB Avatar
over 10 years ago

Glad you're in the group!

KNB Avatar
over 10 years ago

Glad you're in the group!

Isabel Walker ;) Avatar
Isabel Walker ;)
over 10 years ago

thanks guys !!!

KNB Avatar
over 10 years ago

Love it! Keep working at it, Isabella!!!!!
