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josephthegiant Avatar
12 months ago

luv_ev, would you wanna keep discussing this in PMs?

jinsei Avatar
12 months ago

i mean, i believe in god, but i just see it as he created us to evolve on our own. even though parents do help children grow up, once they are old enough, the parents have to let the children go. thats how i think god was with us. he made us, helped us grow up, then let us go off on our own so we could live our lives. i picture him in the heavens proud to see how far we've come, but pained to see the hate we have for each other. i know that if god had influence over us, he wouldn't let us kill each other. but, he has no choice but to watch. at least, thats how i see it. i have unique views :)

josephthegiant Avatar
12 months ago

glad you like it luv_ev! if you don't mind my asking, why are you a deist? i enjoy theological discussions lol

jinsei Avatar
12 months ago

i may not be really religious (i am a deist), but i do really love this song. you have earned my like.

josephthegiant Avatar
over 1 year ago

I'm so sorry for your loss, and the hard things you have and are going through. More than my song needing to be encouraging (infinitely more in fact), I hope you are encouraged by God's promises, not of a good life here on earth, but of eternal life with him in heaven as long as you confess and believe that Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for all of our sins, is your Lord and savior.


....god did nothing but made my life worse. I deal with depression and suicide. My parents died when i 4 in a fire. I get picked on bc of my accent (my accent finally went away) I don't believe in Love bc it never lasts for me....guys cant seem to cure my depression during a relationship. My grandmother has cancer and we pray every day but nothing works.My grandmother had cancer for 7 1/2 years now she is 45.

josephthegiant Avatar
over 1 year ago

Thanks so much Olivia Marie!

Olivia Marie Avatar
Olivia Marie
over 1 year ago

This is a beautiful song and I applaud you for how you were able to find the words to express how you feel when it comes to your faith. The piano is flowing and the words are powerful. Amazing job! ^v^

josephthegiant Avatar
over 1 year ago

thank you so much TWXNZ!

TWXNZ Avatar
over 1 year ago

Praise God almighty! Love this song, powerful lyrics.

God bless.
