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KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

... I think about throwing myself onto incoming traffic... I think about buying sleeping pills and overdosing... and overdosing is one thing that I have really thought about and I would lightweight consider it... but I'm scared to do it... I don't wanna be without her... she has my heart.

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

... I had a dream about her the night of 09/05/16 and we were at an amusement park and we were happy and we together again... I'd do anything to have that again but that chance won't ever come... I suffer from Suicidal Ideation... it's when someone thinks about committing suicide and wants to do it, but that person is scared to do so... fuck what people might think, "he's faking it cuz if he were really about it, he'd just do it". Fuck you, I really think about hurting myself and committing suicide everyday... I think about cutting myself. I think about jumping off an edge...

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

I don't give a fuck if people don't like this shit but I need to let it out somewhere... I want to kill myself bcuz she won't take me back... I've put all my energy into her and I've tried so hard to be the one for her... I love her... our anniversary would have been on December 4, but we only made it to 8 months... I've cried for her, I've screamed for her, I've hurt myself for her and I want to hurt myself more and more severe... just wanna go to sleep and never wake up... I just wanna dream about her forever bcuz she'll never get back with me again...

SoulessAroun' Avatar
about 8 years ago

I'm dieng...

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

I'm harder than you! xD No homo •__•....

SoulessAroun' Avatar
about 8 years ago

So you a sucka for love? SOFTIEEEEEE XD

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

My soul* dumb auto correct

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

Thank you everyone, I appreciate the likes and comments. @phantomtracks nah booii if I lose my soul then I can't make music =P my would is where my music comes from ^_^

[this project has concluded] Avatar
[this project has concluded]
about 8 years ago

I love it, boi ;p

Killer Sally Avatar
Killer Sally
about 8 years ago

This beat is crazy bruh I fw it that bass is wavyyy
