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popqueen13 Avatar
over 7 years ago

love it its like nightcore mint

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
almost 8 years ago

thanks man

about 8 years ago

im here bro

SoulessAroun' Avatar
about 8 years ago

Aye don't worry about sharing your problems with us. We are here to help man.

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

@Andreas, wow, i never expected you to be in my comments. but thanks you for your input. but i just dont know anyone that i can go to and feel safe going to them. and i apologize for making the soundation community a little more depressing

Andreas Avatar
about 8 years ago

@Phantomtracks. That right there is some quality human being. Well said. And Kryptik Beatz. If you are unable to handle the emotions right now talk to someone older than you that you trust. Very likely they have gone through similar loss and can help guide you through. And for the love of all that is holy. Take all those emotions and let them flow through your music wherever it takes you. It will boost your creativity in ways you never imagined before. Just flow with it.

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

Yeah I hear you man, I'm tryna move forward, it just hurts in the meantime

SoulessAroun' Avatar
about 8 years ago

And if you ever want to take your own life then just think about how much more you have to give to this world. I can tell you right now that if you killed yourself there would be one less talented person in this world and there are not a lot of those. Just sit down, chill out and don't do anything retarded. You are definitly worth more then this person.

SoulessAroun' Avatar
about 8 years ago

Alright listen up man. Whoever this person is clearly doesn't deserve any of your attention. I mean just think about it. I'm sorry to say but if she won't except 1/4th of what you have to give then she is barely worth any of your time. Much less if she wont take your full effort. I can't personally tell you what your going through is like but I can tell you that killing yourself over a person like this is probably the worst reason. People like that shouldn't get a second glance. Just find something to do with all these feelings. Make a song or punch a wall if need be.

KryptiK BeatZ Avatar
KryptiK BeatZ
about 8 years ago

Fuck whoever is thinking that I'm just tryna get attention, I need to vent but I feel so alone so imma vent on some open public shit.
